Cauti on: If, after c omple ting th ese ste ps, you are u nsure th at
unit is p roperl y insta lled, con tact a qu alifi ed inst aller.
To ensure that yo ur wash er is pro perly i nstal led, it is
recom mende d that it b e insta lled by a ce rtif ied ins talle r.
3. Instal l the dra in hose t o the bac k of the wa sher us ing the d rain ho se
clamp p rovide d. The drain ho se must b e place d into a dr ain pip e or sink
at leas t 3.5cm i n diame ter. Use the go ose nec k to fix th e hose in p lace.
To avoid poss ible fl ush bac k of wate r, the drain h ose must b e fixed a t a
minim um heig ht of 100 0mm and a m aximu m heigh t of 1500 mm.
4.Plu g the wash er into a regul ar 220-24 0Volt/ 50Hz, 10Am p outle t.
Note :C arefu lly insp ect aro und the m achin e for any le aks, and ti ghten any
loose co nnecti ons.
Water Inlet
Water Supply Hose
Goose Neck
Hose Bend
Drain Hose