Quant ity
Acces sorie s Suppl ied
1.Hot & C old inl et hose s
2.Dra in Hose H ook
3.Pip e Clip/ brace
4.Out er Drai n Hose
Unpa cking Your Washer:
Remove a ll pack ing mat erial s. This inclu des the f oam bas e and all
adhes ive tape h oldin g the was her acc essor ies ins ide and o utsid e.
Open th e top lid t o remove t he drum b race. Pu ll to remo ve.
NOTE: Save dr um brac e. Reins tall wh en movin g the was her.
Inspe ct and re move any re mains o f packi ng, tape or p rinte d mater ials
before u sing th e washe r.
WARNIN G: To avoid da nger of s uffoc ation , keep plast ic bag an d other
packi ng mate rial awa y from bab ies and c hildr en. Do not us e this ba g in
cribs ,carr iages a nd playp ens. The plas tic bag c ould bl ock nos e and mou th
and prev ent bre athin g. This bag is no t a toy.
Leve ling Your Washer Your washe r has 4 lev eling l egs; whic h are loc ated on t he four bo ttom
corne rs.
After p roper ly placi ng your w asher i n its fin al posi tion, you c an level
your wa sher.
Leveli ng legs c an be adj usted b y turni ng them c ounte rcloc kwise t o
raise y our was her or tu rning t hem clo ckwis e to lower y our was her.
WARNIN G:Leve ling of w asher i s very im porta nt to pre vent vib ratio n
durin g spin.
Adjus table f oot
High Lo w