This ap plian ce must b e ground ed. In the ev ent of an e lectr ical
short c ircui t, ground ing redu ces the r isk of el ectri c shock b y
provid ing an es cape wi re for th e elect ric curr ent. This app lianc e
is equi pped wi th a grou nding w ire with a g round ed plug . The
plug mu st be ins erted i nto an ou tlet th at is pro perly in stall ed
and gro unded .
Impro per use o f the plu g can resu lt in a ris k of elec tric
shock . Consult a q ualif ied ele ctric ian or se rvic e perso n
if the gr oundi ng inst ructi ons are no t compl etely
under stood o r if doub t exist s as to whe ther th e appli ance
is prop erly gro unded .
Wiring Requirements:
The washer must be plugged into at least 10AMP 220-240 VOLT,
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the
manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order
to avoid a hazard.
Note: If a standard two-prong
outlet is encountered, it is the
personal responsibility and
obligation of the consumer
to have it replaced with a
properly grounded
three-prong outlet.
Extension Cords:
We do not re com me nd tha t y ou use an ex ten si on cor d.
CAUTIO N: If thi s appl iance i s supp lied f rom a co rd exte nsion set or
elect rical p ortab le out let de vice, th e cord e xtens ion set or ele ctric al
porta ble ou tlet de vice m ust be p ositi oned s o that i t is no t subj ect to
splas hing or ingre ss of mo istur e.
Power Interruptions
Occas ional ly there m ay be powe r inter rupti ons due t o
thund ersto rms or ot her cau ses. Remo ve the pow er cord f rom AC
outle t when a po wer outa ge occu rs. When powe r has bee n
resto red re-p lug powe r cord to AC ou tlet. If ou tage is f or a
prolo nged pe riod, cle an wash er befo re using i t again .