LED Display Notes:
Trouble Codes

Prob lems wi th clot hes:

Cloth es beco me exce ssive ly creas ed: this is d ue to imp roper s ortin g,
overlo ading o r washi ng in exc essiv ely hot w ater rep eated ly. Avoid
overlo ading a nd reso rt your l oad. Wash in coo ler wat er.
Soap res idue: de terge nt may not b e disso lved in wa ter.
Check w ater te mpera ture, add d eterg ent as wa sh tub is b eing fi lled
with wa ter. Reduce d eterg ent dos age or pr e-dis solve d eterg ent befo re
addin g to wash .
Spots o r stain s on your c lothe s: this is du e to inco rrect us e of fabr ic
softe ner. Refer to m anufa cture rs inst ructi ons on th e conta iner an d
follo w direct ions.
Cloth es are gr ayed or yel lowed : this may be du e to not us ing
suffi cient d eterg ent for l arge lo ads. Add more d eterg ent to th e load.
Cloth es are ri pped & hav e holes /exce ssive we ar & tear : this may be
due to sh arp obj ects le ft in was hing. Rem ove all s mall lo ose sha rp
objec ts, faste n belts , zippers , metal sn aps etc . Check if yo u are usin g
undil uted bl each. Nev er add und ilute d bleac h to wash .
Reason s
Rinse and s pin ind icato rs flas h
All proce ss indi cator s flash
All water l evel ind icato rs flas h
“Super” a nd “Large ”󰜪load si ze
(water le vel) ind icato rs flas h
“Medium ” and “Smal l” load s ize
(water le vel) ind icato rs flas h
Unit does n ot drai n, or the spe ed of dra ining i s too slo w.
The washe r is out of b alanc e. Pleas e open th e lid
and rebal ance th e load.
The water i nlet ti me exce eds the p reset t ime.
Water overf low pro tecti on.
The water l evel sen sor fau lt - Call s ervi ce.
Top lid not clos e prope rly.

Tools an d Mater ials Re quire d

You will ne ed to have f ollow ing too ls to hel p you
with t he inst allat ion of you r washe r:
Plier s, Wrench,Tap e Measu re,Glov es,Lev el