the workpiece again. The tool must cycle (fire) again Fullonly once. If it fails to act in the manner explained in bold, have it repaired by a qualified service technician.
Single Sequential Safety Trip
Mechanism Definition
The black trigger enables a single sequential safety trip mechanism, which is designed to prevent inadvertent firing. The tool should only fire if the Safety Nosepiece is pressed against the workpiece prior to pulling the Trigger. It should only fireFullagain if the trigger is released and squeezed again. The Tool should not fire if the Safety Nosepiece is not pressed against an object.
Single Sequential Safety Trip
Mechanism Testing Procedure
To prevent serious injury
from accidental operation:
Empty the tool before this procedure. Point the tool at a piece of scrap wood when testing.
1.Disconnect the tool from the air supply.
2.Empty the canister of fasteners.
3.Check that the Trigger and the Safety Nosepiece move freely, without sticking.
4.Connect the air supply to the tool and set within the Operating Air Pressure indicated on the Specification chart.
5.Test the tool by pressing the Safety Nosepiece against the workpiece without pulling the Trigger. The tool must not cycle (fire). If it cycles (fires), stop immediately and take the tool to a qualified service technician for repair.
6.Hold the tool away, or off of the workpiece. The Safety Nosepiece should return to its original position. Squeeze the Trigger. The tool must not cyFullcle (fire). If it cycles (fires), stop immediately and take the tool to a qualified service technician.
7.Press the Safety Nosepiece against the workpiece and squeeze the Trigger.
The tool must cycle (fire) only once.
Release the trigger and squeeze it again. The tool must cycle (fire) again only once. With the Trigger held, carefully lift the tool and press it against the workpiece again. The tool must not cycle (fire). If it fails to act in the manner explained in bold, have it repaired by a qualified service technician.
Loading the Tool
To prevent serious injury
from accidental operation,
•Release the trigger.
•Detach the air supply.
•Attempt to fire the Tool into a piece of scrap wood to ensure that it is disconnected and is incapable of firing any fasteners.
1.To open the Canister (82), push down on the Latch (68) and swing the Catch (64) and the Canister Cover (89) open. See photos above right.
2.Check the Adjuster Plate (86) inside the Canister (82). The Platform height is adjustable by rotating the Adjuster Nut
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