Spring handle
Ash Removal
With each hopper of coal that is burned, approximately one ash pan full of ashes must be removed. Failure to re- move ashes will result in a blocked grate and the fire will not burn properly. Remember, the ash pan will be hot, so always wear protective gloves.
Ashes should be placed in a metal container with a tight fitting lid. The closed container of ashes should be placed on a
The small tray in the side of the stoker should be removed and emptied.
The spring handle located at the center of the unit should be cycled in and out several times. This action cleans the interior of the heat exchanger and causes the dust to fall into the ashpan.
Every 3 months:
The grate
In the “closed” position, be sure the “grate
Baffle slideThe easiest way to handle this slide is through the ash door with a poker inserted into the hole at the end. The purpose of this operation is to let any ash
This operation can be performed while the unit is burn- ing. However, you should first lower the thermostat to lower the stove temperature and be sure you are wearing protective gloves.
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