Cards and decks are sorted as previously described.
Here is how each “Analyze” option works:
Card Type: When this option is selected, the DEX lists how many Creatures and Spell cards you have in the Fantasy deck selected. (Evolution Creatures Card counts as Creatures Card.)
Use this function to analyze a Fantasy deck that you have created. A complete deck needs 40 or more cards. However, you may still analyze a deck that is less than 40 cards.
1.Return to the DECKS
2.Press the SCREEN SCROLL up or down to select the Fantasy deck number you wish to analyze. Then press ENTER. Then press ANALYZE to go to the Analyze Options screen shown below.
Following are examples of the “Card Type” screens.
Part of each card title also appears on the screen
In the graphic chart, bars illustrate that there are 30 Creature cards and fewer Spell cards in this deck.
In the table chart, the exact number of each type of card is shown.
Press the SCREEN SCROLL PAD up or down to select the option you want. Then press ENTER
Graphics Chart | Table Chart |
Civilization: When this option is selected, the DEX lists how many cards are in each of the 5 Civilizations of the deck you selected.
Following are examples of the “Civilization” screens.
to start the Analyze feature.
ANALYZE OPTIONS: Each option chosen is represented with a graphic chart or table chart. You may select either chart format by pressing the @ or / (back slash) button. The DEX defaults to the graphics chart.
Press QUIT to move back to previous menus.
In the graphics chart, bars illustrate that there are 45 Light cards and fewer of the other civilization cards in this deck.
In the table chart, the exact number of each type of card is shown.
Graphics Chart | Table Chart |
9/14/04, 3:27 PM