Collecting Tokens
Each Slipper token represents a pair of slippers that you'retrying to "catch." Place each token you collect in front of you. You can collect tokens in the follow- ing ways:
If you land on a space with one or more pawns, collect one token from each player on that space.
If you land on a space with one or more tokens, collect any tokens on that space. Exception: You can'tcollect any tokens on an Evil Queen space.
If you land on any of the Fairy Godmother spaces, collect tokens as explained under Space Directions.
HOWto Win
Keep playing until a player who has three or more Slipper tokens reaches or passes the Finishspace. That player wins the game! (Players may have to move around the gameboard several times before one lucky princess has enough tokens to win!)
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Contents: *Gameboard .6 Princess pawns with stands *8 Slipper tokens *Die
Object: Can you helpyour Princess break the evil spell by catching the enchanted slippers?Be the first player to reach the Finish space with three slipper tokens, and you win!
The First Time YOU Plav
Carefully detach the game part; from the cardboard sheet and discard the waste.
Fit each pawn into a cardboardstand by sliding the notches into each other.
Let'sGet Ready!
1.Open the gameboard and place it on a flat surface within easy reach of all players.
2.Place a number 3 Slipper token and a number 4 Slipper token on each of the four Evil Queen spaces on the game path.
3.Choose a Princess pawn and place it on the
Start space.
Let's Play!
Each player rolls the die. The highest roller takes the first turn, and gets to move the Slipper tokens on each of her turns!