42 Hayes ADSL Ethernet User’s Guide
Traffic Profile The index number 0-7 of a previously
configured profile defining the Quality of
Service. See page 54.
WAN IP Filter The index number 0-7 of a previously-
configured WAN IP filter. See page 42.
Default Route Selected is the default. The Default Route
controls which connection will be used for
default IP gateway routing. Only one
connection can have this option selected.
RIP Mode (Routing Information Protocol Mode). See
page 33.
Virtual Circuit An index number 0-7. See the definition on
page 33.
When you finish the configuration, follow these steps:
a Click Update. The modem begins a new search of its
connection with your DSL provider to find the provider’s
Internet settings.
b As the modem searches for a match, go to the ADSL Status
page. Under Connections Status, the State field indicates the
search progress.
c When the State field displays Connected, click the Advanced
Setup button .
d On the Advanced Setup page, click the Save Configuration
button to save your provider’s Internet settings and your
configuration edits to permanent memory.
Every time the modem reboots, it reconnects to the Internet
automatically, using the new settings. It does not do a new search
unless you change the configuration again.
3.2 WAN IP Filter
The ADSL Ethernet has a built-in firewall to protect your
computer against Internet hackers. A traditional firewall in a
building prevents a fire in one room from spreading to another