46 Hayes ADSL Ethernet User’s Guide
3.3 LAN Interface
The LAN Interface page of your Configuration Manager lets you
configure the Host (modem) Name, IP Address, and Netmask, the
Media (LAN connection transmission speed), and the RIP (routing
information) mode for the Ethernet interface:
Make the following entries:
Host Name A name of your choice to identify the modem
to other machines on the LAN.
IP Address An IP address of your choice to identify the
modem to other machines on the LAN.
Note: if you change this address, the Hayes
icon on your desktop will not work – you will
have to type the IP address into your browser.
If you forget the IP address you’ve entered on
this page, you can retrieve it with the ipconfig
command. For example,
Netmask Modem’s subnet mask, defined by you.
Media Auto (default), 100BaseT-Full Duplex,
100BaseT-Half Duplex, 10BaseT-Full
Duplex, 10BaseT-Half Duplex. Auto
automatically selects the LAN transmission
speed by sensing the computer’s network
interface card.