60 Hayes ADSL Ethernet User’s Guide
Make these entries:
Virtual Circuit An index number 0-7 representing a
previously-configured virtual circuit.
VPI Virtual Path Identifier. (Display only)
VCI Virtual Circuit Identifier. (Display only)
Apply Loopback Makes the loopback configuration active.
3.14 NTP Server
The NTP Server page of your Configuration Manager lets you
enter the address of an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server,
from which the modem can get the official current time.
The ADSL Ethernet has a built-in client program that sends
periodic Network Time Protocol (NTP) requests to a server,
obtains server time stamps and uses them to adjust the network
For a list of free servers worldwide, check this web site:
For a list of US servers, go to this site:
Be sure to select a server in your time zone.