Delete Menu
It is often desirable to delete unwanted recordings (tracks) from the FlashMic’s memory, particularly if they have been made erroneously or are otherwise unusable. The Delete Menu permits the user to do this.
Note that any track deleted in this way is deleted permanently and irrecoverably.
As tracks are only referred to by their track number on the FlashMic’s LCD display, before deleting a track always ensure you know which one you are trying to delete. The importance of maintaining an accurate recording log is again emphasised. If you have any doubt about the track number, replay it first to ensure you have the correct one.
To enter the Delete Menu, enter Menu mode by pressing the M/STOP button, and then make SHORT DOWN TURNs of the jogswitch until the display shows DELTRK.
Delete Track Menu
Select this with a SHORT PRESS, and the display shows the currently selected track number, which will normally be that of the last track recorded.
Select Track for Deletion
If it is required to delete a different track, SHORT TURNs of the jogswitch will alter the track number either up or down. When the number of the correct track is displayed, a SHORT
PRESS selects it. The text SURE N is now displayed. If you are sure you have selected the correct track, a SHORT DOWN TURN will change the display to SURE Y.
| SURE N |
| SURE Y | ||||||||||||
| Cancel Track Deletion |
| Confirm Track Deletion |
Another SHORT PRESS will now delete the track. Note that the track numbers of subsequent recordings are not altered. The display will then show OK to confirm.
If the jogswitch is pressed in while SURE N is displayed, nothing is deleted, and the FlashMic returns to the head of the menu option, with DELTRK being displayed.