These are the settings that will be found in the FlashMic when used for the first time “out of the box”.
To see these parameters displayed in FlashMic Manager, click File>New (or hit CTRL+N). This will remove the
1). The FlashMic Manager window should now look like this:
Note that it is possible to modify Defaults.cfg to suit the requirements of your own organisation (for example to include your company name). See Creating a Personalised Defaults File, page 33.
FlashMic Manager Window - Features
Preset Information
Using the default parameter set loaded previously as an example (PSET_1), examine the various items of information now displayed in the window.
Items marked ‡ are those uploaded to the FlashMic as part of the preset.
Current Config file:
The filename displayed here will be that of the currently loaded configuration file. In this case, ‘New’ is displayed because the file has not yet been saved.
Select Preset –
Preset Custom Name ‡ – text box for the name of the preset. This will be displayed in the FlashMic during
Note that underscore characters are used to insert spaces in the example preset name, PSET_1.
Clicking this button saves the configuration file currently loaded in FlashMic Manager to the same filename it had when it was opened. If the file has been created from new (as in the example case), a standard Save File As window for a new filename will be opened first. The default name offered is Presets.cfg, but the user may substitute any other filename preferred. Clicking the SAVE button is equivalent to selecting File>Save, or using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + S.