Other Features and Functions
DRM Configuration
Enable Configuration Changes in DRM – Setting this to “No” restricts the range of menu options available in the FlashMic itself. Refer to the table within Using the Menus, page 17 to see which parameters will not be alterable by the user. Setting this option to “Yes” enables the full range of menu options.
Battery – this
USB Connection
Send this configuration file to DRM
Clicking this button initiates the upload of the configuration file currently loaded in FlashMic Manager into the FlashMic.
Download Audio Data from DRM
Clicking this button initiates the download of the sound files currently in the FlashMic to the computer (see section Transfer Using FlashMic Manager, page 15 for more details).
Connection Status
The large “LED” indicator at the top right of the window indicates whether a FlashMic is connected to the computer. It is red when a FlashMic is not connected, and turns green when a successful connection is established.
Menu Bar
Many of the options available in the menu bar are standard to all Windows™ applications and need little explanation:
New: clears all parameter fields, allows creation of new configuration file. (Keyboard
shortcut: CTRL + N)
Open: opens “Select file to Open/Load” dialogue box to permit selection of existing
configuration file to load. (Keyboard shortcut: CTRL + O)
Save: Saves
Save As: opens “Save File As” dialogue box to permit file naming before saving.
(Keyboard shortcut: none)
Exit: closes FlashMic Manager. (Keyboard shortcut: CTRL + E)