HS-2805 U ser Manual
Version 1.0 Page 23
Text Browser
/ : Manual/Auto Page Turning. The text will st op in manual mode; slide
left/right to turn to the previous or next page. Auto mode means timed A uto
Page Down, and the timing range is 3s, 6s, 9s, 12s, and 15s.
: create tag with this button and add the tag to Tag List automatically. Up to
32 tags supported.
: font size: Small (12)Mid (16)Big (24)
: font color, options include Pure White, Blue, Dark Grey, Pure Black.
: Page Progress Bar; turn to certain page
quickly by sliding the Progress Bar.
: return to EBook Menu Interface
Touch in Text Browser interface to enter submenu, in which options
include <Select Coding>, <Effect Setting>, <Delete>
1. <Select Coding>: support up to 22 languages