16 Chapter 3 LUN Expansion (LUSE) Operations
The LDEV Information outline (see Figure 3.2) is on the upper left of the panel.
Figure 3.2 LDEV Information Outline Detail (From the LUSE/VLL Panel, LUSE Tab)
LDEV Information outline displays an outline view of the CU and LDEV numbers installed on
the subsystem (e.g., CU 00 and has a number of LDEVs, including 00:00). The format of the
LDEV number changes if the LDEV is an expanded (LUSE) volume, e.g., if LDEV volume 00:00
consisted of five concatenated LDEVs, its number would change to 00:00*5. The icon will be
one of the following:
indicates a normal (free) LDEV
indicates an expanded (LUSE) volume