32 Chapter 4 Virtual LVI/LUN Operations
4.2 Virtual LVI/LUN Operations
Before starting a VLL operation on a selected disk subsystem, be sure to disconnect the
mainframe volumes from the host and/or remove the LU paths to the open volumes. For
instructions on removing LU paths, see Hitachi Freedom Storage™ Lightning 9900™ V Series
LUN Manager User’s Guide (MK-92RD104).
Virtual LVI/LUN operations include:
Converting logical volumes to free space (see section 4.2.1),
Creating VLL volumes (see section 4.2.2),
Deleting VLL volumes (see section 4.2.3)
Initializing VLL volumes (see section 4.2.4).
4.2.1 Converting Logical Volumes to Space
WARNING: The volume to space function is a destructive operation. The data on the logical
volume(s) being converted will be lost when the operation is complete. The user is
responsible for backing up the data as needed before performing this operation.
The Volume to Space function allows you to convert one or more logical volumes (LDEVs) to
space, which deletes the selected LDEVs from that parity group. Note: The deleted LDEV(s)
will remain as space in that parity group. Any normal or Virtual LVI/LUN volume can be
deleted (made into space). To delete the last Virtual LVI/LUN volume, you must use the
Volume Initialize function (see section 4.2.4). You cannot convert the last normal volume
into space because this defines the emulation of the parity group.
The Volume to Space operation has the following restrictions:
The LDEV should not have a path definition (including Hitachi TrueCopy-S/390, Hitachi
TrueCopy, ShadowImage-S/390, and ShadowImage pair volumes).
The LDEV should not be a component of a LUSE volume.
The LDEV should not be reserved for Hitachi CruiseControl.