Hitachi Lightning 9900™ V Series LUN Expansion and Virtual LVI/LUN User’s Guide 51
copy operations between 9900V subsystems in different locations for data
backup and disaster recovery purposes.
UCB unit control block
User account
The user account list includes user information such as user ID, password,
and write permission for each 9900V option.
VLL Virtual LVI/ LUN is an option that enables you to configure custom-size
logical device images and logical units, which are smaller than standard-
size devices.
Volser volume serial number (mainframe volume identifier, not related to the
The Remote Console communicates directly with the service processor
(SVP) of each attached subsystem to obtain subsystem configuration and
status information and send user-requested commands to the subsystem.
WWN Worldwide Name is a unique identifier for a particular open-system host
bus adapter, consisting of a 64-bit physical address (the IEEE 48-bit format
with 12-bit extension and 4-bit prefix).