Now, turn On the main power of the unit.

ჀTo turn On the power of the television

1. Press the Main Power switch on the television.
ƔThe Indicating Lamp will illuminate in Red (Standby mode).
2. Press either Sub Power button on the control panel or Sub Power
button on the remote control.
ƔThe color of the Indicating Lamp turns into Green, and the
image will display on the screen.

ჀTo turn Off the power of the television

1. Press either Sub Power button on the control panel or Sub Power
button on the remote control.
ƔThe image disappears from the screen and the Indicating Lamp
turns into Red (Standby mode).
2. Press Main Power switch to completely turn Off the power of the

The Indicating Lamp Status

Indicating Lamp Status Power Status Power Switch Status
Off Off Main power ĺ Off
Red Standby mode Main power ĺ On
Sub Power button ĺ Off
Green On Main power ĺ On
Sub Power button ĺ On
Orange Power Save mode Main power ĺ On
Sub Power button ĺ On
ƔIf the image does not appear on the screen at all, or have any problem, see TROUBLESHOOTING on 46 ~48 . It
may help you to solve the problems.
ƔYou can turn ON the power only by pressing the Sub Power button during the Standby mode.
ƔDo not switch the power On/Off repeatedly in a short period of time. It could cause malfunction.
ƔTo avoid sudden surges of electricity when the power comes back on, unplug the power cord before you leave if there is
a power cut during use of the unit.
Sub Power button
Indicating Lamp
Main Power switch
Sub Power button