Press the button to display the Main menu, high-

light the Configuration line using or button andpress the OK button to display the Configuration menu.

Highlight the “Subtitle” item in Configuration menu

and use or button to set Subtitle to off or a language.

If “Subtitle” is on via selecting one language option,

pressing the button causes the following warn-

ing message￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿display￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿on the￿￿screen￿￿.

Digital Teletext

With Digital terrestrial broadcasting (DVB-T), in addi- tion to pictures and sound, you can also watch digital teletext.

Digital teletext is sometimes broadcast at the same time as normal broadcasting.

1. Press the button.

The digital teletext information appears.

2. Operate it with the coloured buttons, / / / buttons and OK button.

The operation method may differ depending on the contents of the digital teletext.

Follow the instructions displayed on digital teletext screen.

When “Press SELECT” button or similar message appears on the screen, press the OK button.

When the (Text) button is pressed, the TV re- turns to television broadcasting.

With Digital terrestrial broadcasting (DVB-T), in addi- tion to digital teletext broadcasting at the same time as normal broadcasting, there are also channels with just digital teletext broadcasting.

The aspect ratio when watching a channel with just digital teletext broadcasting is the same as the aspect ratio of the picture watched previously.

When you press the (Text) button again, the digital teletext screen is displayed.

Over Air Download

To ensure that your IDTV always has the most up-to- date information, please ensure that after use it is set to its standby mode. At 3AM each day, the IDTV auto- matically searches for any new information which

may be broadcast and will download this to your IDTV automatically. This operation will normally take approximately 30 seconds.

If you want to do this, you need to set Automatic Download to “Enabled” in Receiver Upgrade set- ting. For details see page 17.


Depending on the type of broadcast being transmitted, programmes can be viewed in a number of formats.

Press the button repeatedly to select between Auto, Full, 4:3,Panoramic, 14:9 Zoom, Cinema or 16:9 Subtitle.

When Auto is selected, the format being displayed is determined by the picture being broadcast.

PLEASE NOTE: Menu size changes depending on the chosen image size.

IDTV Menu System

The IDTV menu can only be shown when watching

Digital terrestrial broadcasting. Press the but- ton to turn IDTV on while TV is in analogue mode. Press the button. The menu below appears on the

screen: ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿


Channel List

Using the or button on the remote control in Main menu, make sure that the first item, Channel List, is highlighted and press the OK button to display the Channel List.

The following operations can be performed in this menu:

1.Navigating the whole list of channels

2.Deleting channels

3.Renaming channels

4.Adding locks to channels

5.Setting favourites

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Hitachi L47VP01U manual Idtv Menu System, Digital Teletext, Over Air Download, Widescreen, Channel List