
2.3.8Mouse Operation on the Scanning Image

Mouse operation tools for adjusting focus, stigma, contrast, brightness and specimen stage are provided. Mouse Control Functions

Image mouse operation can be switched to the following modes by using either the Mouse Mode on the Option menu or the Mouse Mode on the pop-up menu that comes up when the mouse wheel button is clicked on the image display unit:

(1)Focus/Stigma/Contrast/Brightness Adjustment

(2)Stage operation (X, Y, R, T, Z) and image shift operation

(3)Stage operation (X, Y, R) and image shift operation

(4)Stage operation (dragging with mouse) and image shift operation

(5)No operation (Off) Adjustment

The design of mouse pointer is changed corresponding to its position as shown below.

Fig. 2.3-38 Mouse Control (Focus/stigma/contrast/brightness)

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