L-l H DWASH PLUG (flush plug)
Thoroughly clean and flush the out-
board motor with fresh water after
operating in dirty or salty water.
Flush Kit (optional part)
1. Wash the outside of the outboard
motor with clean, fresh water.
2. Remove the wash plug and sealing
washer from the WASH plug hole
in the gear case. Be sure not to
remove the oil level plug from the
OIL LEVEL plug hole in the
gear case.
B Keep children and
pets away from the area, and
stay clear of all moving parts
during this procedure.
3. Remove the sealing washer from
the wash plug and install the sealing
washer on the flush kit coupler.
4. Install the flush kit coupler into the
WASH plug hole and connect a
fresh water hose to the Bush kit
5. Move the gearshift lever or control
lever to the N (neutral) position.
Flush the outboard motor in the
neutral position only.
6. Turn on the fresh water supply to
the flush kit coupler.