0.024-0.028 in
(0.6-0.7 mm)
6. Measure the plug gaps with a feeler
The gaps should be 0.024-0.028 in
(0.6-0.7 mm). Correct as necessary
by carefully bending the side elec-
7. Thread the plugs in by hand to pre-
vent cross threading.
8. After the spark plugs are seated,
tighten with a spark plug wrench to
compress the washers.
If installing new spark plugs, tighten l/2
turn after the spark plugs seat to com-
press the washers. If reinstalling used
spark plugs, tighten l/8 l/4 turn after the
spark plugs seat to compress the wash-
b&8@ The spark plugs must be
securely tightened. A loose spark
plug can become very hot and may
cause engine damage.
Overtightening the spark plugs can
damage the threads.