NCR Prefix/Suffix

When set to Transmit, both the NCR prefix and suffix are transmitted with bar codes. Usually, prefixes and suffixes are programmed using the Data Editing selections (see Data Editing beginning on page 4-1), however, the following commands override any other prefix/suffix settings. Default = Don’t Transmit.

Transmit* Don’t TransmitNCR NOF (Not-on-File) Error

A scanner receives an NOF (Not on File) command from the POS whenever it cannot cross-reference the bar code to a price parameter. When set to On, the error tone sounds (set via Number of Beeps – Error, page 3-4)for an NOF, and disables the scanner while the cashier looks up the price manually. When set to Off, no sound is emitted for an NOF. Default = Off.


* Off

Scanner to Bioptic Communication

The following settings are used to set up communication between Honeywell scanners and bioptic scanners.

Note: The scanner’s baud rate must be set to 38400 and the RS232 Timeout must be set to 3000 in order to communicate with a bioptic scanner. See RS232 Modifiers on page 2-19,and RS232 Timeout on page 2-22for further information.

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