Standard ASCII control characters can be used to tell the scanner to start sending data (XON/XOFF On) or to stop sending data (XON/XOFF Off). When the host sends the XOFF character (DC3, hex 13) to the scanner, data transmission stops. To resume transmission, the host sends the XON character (DC1, hex 11). Data transmission continues where it left off

when XOFF was sent. Default = XON/XOFF Off.



After transmitting data, the scanner waits for an ACK character (hex 06) or a NAK character (hex 15) response from the host. If ACK is received, the communications cycle is completed and the scanner looks for more bar codes. If NAK is received, the last set of bar code data is retransmitted and the scanner waits for ACK/NAK again. Turn on the ACK/NAK protocol by scanning the ACK/NAK On bar code below. To turn off the protocol, scan ACK/NAK Off. Default = ACK/NAK



Scanner to Bioptic Communication

The following settings are used to set up communication between Honeywell scanners and bioptic scanners.

Note: The scanner’s baud rate must be set to 38400 and the RS232 timeout must be set to 3000 in order to communicate with a bioptic scanner. See "RS232 Modifiers" on page 2-18,and RS232 Timeout on page 2-21for further information.

Scanner-Bioptic Packet Mode

Packet Mode On must be scanned to set the scanner’s format so it is compatible with a bioptic scanner. Default = Packet

Mode Off.

* Packet Mode OffPacket Mode On

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