Audio Amplifier/Intercom/Marker Beacon Receiver Entertainment Input
The audio selector panel has provisions for two separate entertainment input devices. They operate independently in the KMA28. The volume control does not affect music level.
While in the ISO (Isolate) mode, the copilot will hear Entertainment 1 while the four pas- sengers will hear Entertainment #2. The pilot will hear Entertainment 1 at a level muted about 95%. In normal operation, whenever a person speaks, or if the aircraft radio be- comes active, the music will automatically mute and then will gradually return to the original listening level when the intercom or radio conversation ceases.
When in the ALL mode, pilot and copilot will hear Entertainment 1 input while all pas- sengers will hear the Entertainment 2 source. While in the CREW mode, pilot and copilot will hear entertainment input #1 while the passengers may listen to entertainment input #2. Soft Mute and Soft Mute inhibit
The Soft Mute feature assures that the aircraft radio transmissions will not be missed due to entertainment playing. When there is radio reception or intercom conversation, the mu- sic level is dropped to a background level. When the radio or intercom traffic ceases, the level gradually returns to normal.
The front panel ICS switch controls muting of entertainment source #1. Pushing this but- ton places the ICS in Karoake (or sing along) mode, which inhibits the soft mute feature. This allows the music to continue uninterrupted by intercom or radio traffic when cockpit workload is appropriate. Pushing the button again will release the mute inhibit function.
The passenger music, source #2, can be placed in the Karaoke mode if a remote switch is installed in the aircraft.
Rev. 0, Sept. 00 |