Installation Guide

Z-Wave enrollment

4. To share the
thermostat Node
information with
devices select 1.

Z-Wave messages

Add/ Remove
Thethermostatca nbeincludedorexclu dedfromtheZ-Wavenetwork. Thisactionrequire sthe
controllersetinin clusionmode.Thed eviceisincludedto theZ-Wavenetworkaftersen dingthe
node information to the control ler. The controller is responsible for a ssigning the home ID and
device ID to the included device.
The thermostat can be as sociated with other devices in the sys tem. Being associated means
that the thermostat is able to s end messages directly to any other d evice. During the associa-
tion process the return rou te is acquired from the primary c ontroller. The thermostat then uses
this return route to access the di stant node.
Enter/leave power saving mode
Whenrequestedfro mtheZ-Wavecontroller,thethermos tatadjustsitssetp ointinorderto
decreasethepowerc onsumptionoftheHVACe quipment.
In addition, using an Internet g ateway enables the person to control t he thermostat remotely
through the Internet.
Fan Switch
The thermostat can send t he message containing the actua l fan switch position.
Fan Switch change
The other devices are able to cha nge the fan switch of the thermostat. Af ter the message is
received, the fan switch is chan ged to the desired value (if this value i s possible).
For the thermostat the poss ible values are On, Auto and Circ.
Indoor temperature
The thermostat sends the i ndoor temperature using the Multi level Sensor command class.
Report upon GET request
Uponrequest(GE Tcommand)the thermostatsends thecorrespondingr eport.
Setpoint Value
The thermostat can send t he message containing the actua l setpoint value based on setpoint