useofAdapter Plug
Becauseof potential safety hazardsunder certain conditions, westrong~yrecommend againstuse of an adapter plug. However,if you stiilelect to use an adapter, where localcodespermit, a TEMPORARY ~ONNE~ION maybe made to a properly grounded
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Fig. 2 | “iY~o!H!#NNEcTION |
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Larger slot in adapter must be alignedwith larger slot in wall
a groundingtype plug and outlet and that the electricalratingof the cord be 15amperes (minimum)and 120volts. Such extensioncords are obtainablethroughyour local service organization.
The refrigerator should always
be phngged into its mm
Mhf’idwd ekctricd oRdet-
(115volt, 60 Hertz, or 100volt, 50 Hertz, singlephase AC). This is recommended for best performance and to prevent overloadinghouse wiring circuits, which could cause afire hazardfromoverheatingwires.
Refrigerator hcation
Do not install refrigeratorwhere temperature will go below 60”F.
because it will not run often enough to maintain proper temperatures.
Rollersor legs, locatedbehindthe base grille, shouldbe set SGthe refrigeratoris firmly positionedon the floor and the front is raisedjust enoughthat the doors close easily when opened abouthalfway.
‘$70adjust rokrs or lkvding legs, removethe base grille by grasping it at the bottom and pulling it out.
outlet to provide proper polarity in connectionof power cord.
Do install it on a floor strong enough to support a fully loaded refrigerator.
OWJT1ON: Attaching adapter ground terminal to wall outlet cover screwdoes not ground the appliance unlesscover screw is metal, and not insulated,and walloutlet is grounded throughhouse wiring. Youshould havethecircuitcheckedbya qualified electrician to make sure the outlet is proper~ygrounded.
‘Whendisconnecting thepower cord from the adapter, alwayshold the adapter with one hand. If this is not done, the adapter ground terminal is very likely to break with repeated use.
Should the adapter ground ‘terminalbreak, Do NOT USE the appliance until atproper ground
h3s again been estddished.
?LJs~GfEfi~mion Ckmik
Bscause of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, wc strongly recommend against the uw of an extension cord. However, if you still elect to use an extension ~C>rd,it is absolutely necessary that it be a UL listed
Also see
Allow the followingclearances for ease of installation and proper air circulation.
Sides . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..3/4° Top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l” Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l”
when Building a New Iiome.. ●
consider providing water supply to refrigerator location. It will simpli~ connection of optional automatic icemaker should you wish to install one at a later date.
RolleTs/hveling Legs
some models have adjustable rollers that enable you to move the refrigerator away from the wal~for cleaning; other models have adjus~ble leveling legs.
Turn roller adjusting screws or kvding legs clockwise to raise refrigerator, counterclockwiseto lower it. Use adjustablewrench (3/8”hex head bolt) or pliers.
When adjusting front rollers or levelingiegsfo~properdoor closure, it is recommended that the bottom front edge of the cabinet be approximately 3/4”from the floor.
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To+repkwebase gdk,alignprongs on back of grille with clamps in cabinet and push forward until grille snaps into place.