‘“i mF- | m |
This turns off heaters in your refrigeratorthat preventmoisture from formingon the outside.
Use of the Energy SaverSwitchcan saveyou money.Estimated yearly savings,dependingon your local electric rates, are as follows:
EstimatedYearlySavings Energy
Model ElectricRate(PerKwh) Savings
$ .05 $ .08 $ :11 (Approx”) CTX18 $9,00 $15.00 $20.00 1j’o/~
CTX20 $8.00 $13.00 $18.00 140/0
Yourrefrigeratorhas two controls that let you regulate the temperature in the fresh food and freezer compartments.
FOOD control at 5 and the
FREEZER control at C.
For colder or warmer temperatures, adjust the desired compartment controlone letteror numberat a time.
When initially setting the controls or when adjujting thin, allow 24 hours for the temperatures to stabiiize, or even out.
Note: Turning the fresh food control to the OFF position stops cooling in BOTHcompartments— fresh food AND
How ‘to TestTemperatures
Usethe milk test for the fresh food compartment. Place a container of milkon the top shelf in the fresh hod compartment. Check it a day Iatcr. If the milk is too warm or too cold, adjustthe temperaturecontrols.
Use the ice ‘cream test for the freezer conlpart~lle~ltoPlace a ~wntainerof ice cream in the center ~~i’the
f:fl:>i.eEEIper:\tREreyou Sete
M’youturn your household ithiimmtat below 60°F’.at night
. . .you may want to turn the lettered controlone step colder,as from “C” to “DV Cooler temperatures in the house may cause the compressor to operateless frequently,thus allowing the freezer compartment to warm somewhat. To protect your frozen food supply, leave your lettered setting at this colder setting for the entire winter or for whateverperiod of time you are turning down your thermostat. This is especially important when the thermostat is turned down for an extendedperiod.
This change should have no effect on your fresh food compartment. However, if freezing occurs, turn the numbered control one step warmer, as from “5” to “4V
When you stop turning the thermostat down, turn temperature controlsback to their regularsettings.
Enegy saver switch
The Energy Saver Switch is located on the temperature control panel.
ekdrkity E’quiredi ‘b Opemte
yourR2frigemtm, pwh switch to the M position.
With the heaters turned off, there | - | |
is a chance that moisture may form | - | |
on the outside of your refrigerator, | Esw- | |
- | ||
especially when the weather is | - | |
&F- | ||
humid. The humidity is most likely | ||
to be high in the summer, in the |
| |
early morning hours, and in homes |
| |
which are not air conditioned. |
| |
Over an extendedperiod of time, |
| |
moisture that |
| |
may cause deteriorationof the paint |
| |
finish.It will be importantto protect |
| |
the finishby usingappliancepolish |
| |
wax as describedon page 10. |
When the EnergySaverSwiteb. is pushedto the rigM9electricity flowsthroughthe low wattage heaterswhich warmthe outside of the cabinetand, under most conditions,preventthe forming
of moistureor water droplets.
No Defrowi~
It is not necessaryto defrostthe freezer or fresh food compa~~ments. Yourrefrigerator is designed and equipped to defrost itself automatically.