Saveproof of original purchasedate such as your sales slip or cancelled check to estab!ishwarrantyperiod.
For oneyearfromdateoforiginal purchase,we willprovide,freeof charge,partsand servicelabor inyourhometo repairor repiace anypart of the refrigeratorthat faiisbecauseof a manufacturing defect.
For fiveyearsfromdateofrxiginai purchase,we wiiiprovide,freeof charge,partsandserviceiaborin yourhometo repairor repiaceany
This warranty is extendedto the originai purchaserand any succeeding owner for products purchasedfor ordinary home use in the 48 mainiand states,Hawaii and Washington, i3.C.in Alaskathe warrantyis the same exceptthat it is LiMiTED because you must payto ship the product to the service shop or for the service technician’stravei costs to your home.
Aii warrantyservice wiii be provided by our FactoryService Centersor byour authorized Customer Care” servicers during norrnaiworking hours.
Look in the White or Y’eiiow Pages
of your teiephone directory for
WHATis ~mcovERED ~SeWiCetriPs tOYOUrhome tO
teach you how to use the product.
Read yourUseand Carematerial. if you then have any questions about operating the product, piease contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address beiow, or caii, toii free:
The GE Answer Cente@ 800.626.2000
consumer information service
~ Improper installation.
If you have an installation problem, contact your deaier or instaiier. You are responsible for providing adequate eiectricai, plumbing and other connecting facilities.
*Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit breakers.
@Faiiure of the product if it is used for other than its intended purpose or used commercially.
*Damage to product caused by accident, fire, fioods or acts of God.
— —
Some states do not aHow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Toknow what your legal rights are in your state, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state’s Attorney General.
W~~~aniOr: C?46xRsr#Hectric Company
Mfurther help is needed concerning this warranty,write:
/ Pad. N.k34W731FW6. |
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