suggestedstorage times formeatand pouMry*
| Ill | Hd |
Eatingqualitydrups | REFfllGERATM | FREEZER |
AT | AT | |
aftertimeshown | 35° to400F. | o“E |
Roasts(Beef& Lamb) | 3 to5 | 6 tO 12 |
Roasts(Pork&Veal) | 3 to5 | 4t08 |
Steaks(Beef) | 3t05 | 6 to 12 |
Chops(Lamb) | 3t05 | 6t09 |
Chops(Pork) | 3t05 | 3t04 |
Ground&StewMeats | 1to2 | 3t04 |
VarietyMeats | lto2 | 3t04 |
Sausage(Pork) | lto2 | lto2 |
Bacon | 7 | 1 |
Frankfurters | 7 | ‘/2 |
Ham(Whole) | 7 | lto2 |
Ham(Half) | 3t05 | lto2 |
Ham(Slices) | 3 | lto2 |
LuncheonMeats | 3t05 | Freezing |
Sausage(Smoked) | 7 | notrecom- |
14to 21 | mended. |
CookedMeatsand |
| 2t03 |
hleatilishe s | 3t04 | |
Gravy&MeatBroth | lto2 | 2t03 |
Chicken&Turkey(Whole). . . . | 1to 2 | 12 |
Chicken(Pieces) | lto2 | 9 |
Turkey(Pieces) | lto2 | 6 |
Duck&Goose(Whole) | 1to 2 | 6 |
Giblets | lto2 | 3 |
cooked !POw’y
Pieces(CoveredwithBroth). . . | 1to 2 | 6 |
Pieces(NotCovered) | 3 to 4 | 1 |
CookedPoultryDishes | 3 to 4 | 4t06 |
FriedChicken....,......,., | 3t04 | 4 |
(~th~f?h~fl fO[~Q~~S& ~OUi~~) HWEZER
Icecream(originalcarton). . . . . . . . . . . 1monthmax.
Newtechniques areconstantly.beingdeveloped. ConsulttheCollegeor CountyExtenstonService oryourlocalUtility Companyfor thelatest informationon freezingandstoringfoods.
Meats, fish and poultry purchased t’rom the Nore vary in quality and 2:c: consequently, safe storage [im~in your refrigerator will vary.
To store unfrozenmeats, fish and
@Alwaysremovestore wrappings.
@Rewrapin foil, film or wax paper and refrigerateimmediately.
To storecheese, wrap well with wax paper or aluminumfoil, or put in a plastic bag.
@Carefullywrap to expel air and help preventmold.
To store vegetables,use the
@Coveringvegetableswith a moist towelhelps maintain crispness.
@As a further aid to freshness,
To store ice
~It willbe necessaryto experimentto determine the freezer compartment location and temperature control setting to keep your ice cream at the right serving temperature.
@The rear of the freezercompartment is slightly colder than the front.
Tips on freezing | foods |
There are threeessentialrequirements for efficient home freezing.
L Initial qtdity. Freeze only
2.Speed. The quicker fruits and vegetables are frozen after picking, the better the frozerrproduct will be. You’llsave time, too, with less culling and sorting to do.
3.Ii%operPackagkgg. Use food wraps designed especiaHy for freezing; they’re readily available at most ;ood stores.
To freeze meat, fish and poultry, wrap well in
Don’trefreeze meat that has completelythawed; meat, whether raw or cooked, can be frozen successfullyonly once.
Limit freezing of fresh (unfrozen) meats or seafoodsto number of pounds at a time as follows:
C!TX18 | ..17 | pounds |
CIX20 . . . .0 | ..19 | pounds |
For m’m!niemx!. e s
@Store like things together. This savesboth time and electricity because you can find foods faster.
~Place the oldest items up front so they can be used up promptly.
~Use shelves on the door for most often used sauces and condiments.
~Use the meat drawer, if your model has one, for meats
TOsave money inenergy
and food costs
~Place most perishable items toward the rear of the top shelf, as they will stay coldest in this part of the fresh food compartment.
~Cover moist foods with tight lids, plastic film or foil.
@Leaf vegetablesand fruitsplaced in storagedrawerswill last longerwhen stored in closed plastic containers or wrapped in plastic film.
@Do not overload your fresh food or freezer compartment with a lot of warm food at once.
@Open the door the fewest times possible to save electrical energy.
Q When going out of town for severaldays, leaveas few perishables as possible in the refrigerator. Ifyour refrigerator has an.icemakr, set it to the OFF position and shut off water to the refrigerator.
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