
Whenever the appliance fails to work, check for a solution from the following list before calling for Assistance (see Assistance).



Possible causes / Solutions:

The dishwasher does not start.

T he p l ug has not be e n ins e rted into the e lec tric al s oc k et prope r ly, o r





there is no p o we r in th e h ou s e .



T he d is h was he r doo r has n ot been s hut p rop erl y .



A dela yed s tart has be en p rog ram m ed ( s ee S ta rt - u p an d us e ) .





No w ater drains out from the


T he d is h was he r c yc l e has not yet f inis hed .

dishw a sher .


T he w ater outl et hos e is bent ( s ee Ins tallation ) .



T he d rain d uc t is blo c k ed .


• T he fi lter is c logge d up wit h food r es id ues .





The dishw as her m ak es


T he d is hes a re rattli n g ag a ins t eac h other o r aga i ns t the s pray e r a rm s .

exce ss ive nois e .


A n e xc e s s ive am ount of foa m has be en produc e d: the d eterg ent has not




been m eas ure d out c o rr ec tly or it is not s uitable fo r us e i n dis h was he rs




(s ee S tart - u p and us e) .





The dis he s and glass es ar e


T he le vel of the r efin e d s alt is low or th e dos ag e s etting is not s uited to

covered in a w hite fi lm or



the har d nes s of the wate r ( s ee Rin s e ai d and s al t ) .

lim esca le deposits .


T he lid o n the s alt d is pens er is not c los ed pro perl y .





T he ri ns e aid has be en us e d up or th e dos ag e is too low .



T he c r oc k er y is m ad e from non - s tic k m a terial .





The dis he s and glass es ar e


T he ri ns e aid dos a ge is too high .

stre ake d or ha ve a b luish tinge .








The c ro ck er y has no t been


A was h c yc le withou t a d ry ing pr og r am m e has be en s el ec ted .

dried p roperl y.


T he ri ns e aid has be en us e d up or th e dos ag e is too low ( s ee Rin s e a id




and s al t ) .



T he ri ns e aid dis pe n s er s e tting is n ot high eno ug h .





The dis he s are no t c lean .


T he rac k s are o verl o ad ed (s ee Loa ding th e rac k s ) .


• T he c ro c k ery h as not bee n a rra nge d well .



T he s pr a yer arm s c an not m ove fre el y .



T he wa s h c yc le is too gentl e (s ee W as h c yc les ) .


A n e xc e s s ive am ount of foa m has be en produc e d: the d eterg ent has not




been m eas ure d out c orr e c tly or it is no t s uitable for u s e i n dis h was h e rs




(s ee S t art - u p and us e) .



T he lid on th e rins e ai d c om partm en t has not been s hut c orrec tly .



T he filte r is dirty o r bl oc k ed (s ee Ca re an d m ainten anc e ) .



T he refi n ed s alt lev el is lo w (s ee Rin s e ai d and s alt) .





The dis hw asher doe s not take


T here is no water i n th e m ains s upp ly .

an y w a ter in/Tap shu t - o ff a lar m .


T he wa te r inlet hos e i s be nt ( s ee Ins tallation ) .

(several short beeps are emitted)


T urn o n the tap an d th e ap pl ianc e will s tart after a fe w m inutes .



(The ON/OFF indicator light flashes and


T he appli anc e loc k has been ac tiv at ed bec a us e no ac tion was tak en

the display shows A-6).



when th e bee ps s ound e d . S witc h of f the m ac hine us ing t he O N/O F F




button, turn o n the tap a nd s witc h th e m ac hine ba c k on a fter 20




s ec onds by pr es s ing t he s am e butto n . Re - pr ogr am m e the m ac hi ne and




res tart the was h c yc le .





W ater i ntake solenoi d valv e


S witc h off the appl ianc e by pr es s ing the O N/O F F b utt on and s wit c h it

m alfun ction alarm



bac k on after one m in ute . If the alar m c ontinues , s hut off the wat er tap

(The ON/OFF indicator light flashes and



to elim i nate the ris k o f flooding, rem ove the pl ug fr om the elec tric al

the display shows A-2).





s oc k et and c ontac t A s s is tanc e .








W ater i nlet hose alar m /W ater


S witc h off the app lian c e b y pres s ing the O N/O F F b utton . S hut off the

inlet fil ter block ed .



water ta p to e lim inate the ris k of floo ding an d rem o ve the plug fro m the

(the ON/OFF indicator light flashes and



elec tric al s oc k et .



Mak e s u r e the wate r inlet filt er has not bec om e bloc k e d by v ario us

the display shows A-7).





im puriti es . (s ee “Car e an d m aintena nc e ” c ha pter ) .









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Hotpoint FDF 784 manual Troubleshooting, Malfunction Possible causes / Solutions

FDF 784 specifications

The Hotpoint FDF 784 is a sophisticated and efficient dishwasher designed to meet the demands of modern kitchens. With its stylish appearance and abundance of innovative features, this appliance stands out as a reliable choice for households seeking cleanliness and convenience.

One of the key features of the Hotpoint FDF 784 is its energy efficiency. It operates with an impressive energy rating, allowing users to save on their energy bills while protecting the environment. This appliance uses advanced washing technologies, incorporating an Eco mode that optimizes water usage and energy consumption, making it an eco-friendly option for conscientious consumers.

The FDF 784 also boasts a generous capacity, accommodating up to 14 place settings. This is ideal for families and those who frequently entertain guests, ensuring that there's ample space to tackle even the largest loads. The interior is thoughtfully designed, with adjustable racks and a flexible layout that can be customized to fit various dish sizes and shapes. This versatility ensures that every item, from delicate glassware to bulky pots and pans, can be washed effectively.

In terms of cleaning performance, the Hotpoint FDF 784 does not disappoint. It features several wash programs, including a powerful intensive cycle for heavily soiled items and a quick wash option that gets dishes clean in under 30 minutes. The appliance is equipped with a sensor technology that detects soil levels and adjusts the wash cycle accordingly, ensuring optimal cleaning results while conserving water and energy.

The appliance also includes a unique AirDry technology that enhances the drying process. This innovative system uses the natural flow of air to improve drying efficiency and reduce water spots on dishes, ensuring they come out not only clean but also ready to be put away immediately.

Safety is paramount in any kitchen appliance, and the Hotpoint FDF 784 is no exception. It comes with a child lock feature that prevents accidental interruptions during wash cycles, providing peace of mind for families with young children.

Overall, the Hotpoint FDF 784 combines efficiency, flexibility, and innovative technologies to deliver a first-class dishwashing experience. Whether you're dealing with everyday dinnerware or post-party cleanup, this dishwasher proves itself as a valuable asset to any kitchen.