Getting Started

Sources for More Information

Port Identity Examples

This guide describes software applicable to both chassis-based and stackable ProCurve switches. Where port identities are needed in an example, this guide uses the chassis-based port identity system, such as “A1”, “B3 - B5”, “C7”, etc. However, unless otherwise noted, such examples apply equally to the stackable switches, which for port identities typically use only numbers, such as “1”, “3-5”, “15”, etc.

Sources for More Information

For additional information about switch operation and features not covered in this guide, consult the following sources:

For information on which product manual to consult on a given


software feature, refer to “Product Documentation” on page xiii.




For the latest version of all ProCurve switch documentation, including


release notes covering recently added features, visit the ProCurve


Networking website at Click on Technical


support, and then click on Product manuals.


For information on specific parameters in the menu interface, refer



to the online help provided in the interface. For example:

Online Help for Menu

Figure 1-2. Getting Help in the Menu Interface
