SNA NRJE/iX requires the installation and use of SNA/SDLC Link/iX (30291A), SNA/Token Ring Link/iX (J2249A, requires MPE/iX Release 5.0 or later) or SNA/X.25 Link/iX (30298A), SNA NRJE/V requires SNA Link/V (30246A). SNA/SDLC Link/iX, SNA/Token Ring Link/iX, SNA X.25 Link/iX, and SNA Link/V (referred to jointly as SNA Link) manage the physical link to the host and implement protocols in the lower three layers of SNA. Each link product contains software, a hardware interface card, and a cable. SNA NRJE can run simultaneously with other

HP SNA services 9for example, SNA IMF) on both the MPE V or MPE/iX systems. In addition, all SNA services can run simultaneously over the same SNA Link.

Functional Description

SNA NRJE must be used with an SNA Link product, which implements protocols in the lower three layers of SNA and provides physical connectivity to the IBM host via leased/dial-up lines or LAN. SNA Link supports line speeds up to 56 KB/s on MPE V and 16 MB/s on MPE/iX as well as simultaneous batch and interactive communications to an IBM host over a single line.

SNA NRJE supports up to eight workstations on an HP 3000. When these workstations are used to communicate with different hosts, each workstation must use a different SNA Link.

The SNA NRJE user interface has commands for submitting jobs, directing the output to specific devices, directing the output to specific predefined file equations, displaying job status, and canceling jobs (see table of Selected User Commands on next page for other commands). These commands can be issued interactively through a terminal, or issued as part of an HP 3000 program

executing NRJE intrinsics. MPE commands can be executed in the middle of SNA NRJE operations. The HP 3000 will concurrently process user applications and data communications with an IBM mainframe.

In addition to SNA NRJE user commands, an operator with Node Manager (NM) capability has commands to start and stop the batch workstations, obtain the host remote console, start and stop tracing and other functions. These commands may be issued either interactively or through a batch job.

Operation of the user or operator interface is independent of the status of the data communications line. Submitted jobs are held in a transmission queue and automatically sent to the host when the line becomes available.

Similarly, job output is held at the host and sent to the HP 300 when the line connection is made.

The Job Management feature of SNA NRJE allows users, at time of submittal, to specify the particular device to which their job output is to be directed. If no device is specified, output is directed to a default destination, according to the configuration of SNA NRJE by the NodeManager. No further user intervention is required.

Note: Job Management is not available to anyone communicating with a host using the VSE/POWER job entry subsystem.

Output can be received on any standard output device on the HP 3000 such as tape units, disks, and printers. Similarly, jobs can be input device such as terminals, card readers, or disk.

HP 3000

Bus ness Servers

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HP 30292B manual Functional Description