•Updating the HP 3000 system to the proper release level and installing the SNA NRJE software using AUTOINST. Refer to the HP 3000 MPE/iX Installation and Update Manual
•Verifying that all of the necessary software modules have been successfully installed by AUTOINST and are at the correct version levels using the NMMAINT.PUB.SYS utility.
•Performing full system backups as neces- sary and ensuring that the HP 3000 system and personnel with HP 3000 system man- agement knowledge are available when HP is onsite to complete the INP card installa- tion and minimum configuration of SNA NRJE.
The customer is also responsible for completing the configuration in order to fully integrate SNA NRJE into the existing customer network after HP has completed the minimum configuration of the SNA NRJE.
HP Responsibility
Following the installation of SNA NRJE, HP is responsible for the following:
•Confirming that all of the necessary soft- ware modules have been installed and are at the correct version level.
•Configuring the SNA NRJE product to a minimum configuration (1 LU) in order to verify software and hardware functionality.
•Verifying the SNA NRJE configuration by issuing the NRJECONTROL START com- mand and ensuring that the
These steps complete HP’s portion of the installation and minimum configuration of
HP effort spent on problems that are not caused by HP installation and configuration activities is considered HP Consulting Support and is billable to the customer at normal HP
System Environment
SNA NRJE/iX, SNA SDLC Link/iX, and SNA/X.25 Link/iX are available on the HP 3000 Series 900 with currently supported releases of the MPE XL or MPE/iX operating system. SNA/Token Ring Link/iX requires MPE/iX release 5.0 or later. SNA NRJE/V and SNA Link/V are available on the HP 3000 Series
The following documentation is for both SNA NRJE/V and SNA NRJE/iX:
HP 3000