2.Under the Primary Functions heading, select Web and LAMP Server and under the Development heading, select C/C++ Compiler and Tools as displayed in Figure 3.

Figure 3 YaST Software Selection and System Tasks

3.Select the Details button to display a table with the detailed software package selections.

4.From the Filter options drop-down list, select Package Groups.

5.In the Package Groups pane, expand the Development group and select Languages from the expanded list.

Verify that the perl and python components are selected as displayed in Figure 4

Figure 4 SUSE Installation Settings

6.From the Productivity packages group, select Networking.

Verify that the apache2, apache2-prefork, php5, apache2-mod_perl, apache2-mod_php5, apache2-mod_python, and webalizer components are selected.

Verifying the Linux Distribution Installation

To verify installation of the necessary packages, enter the following command: