Acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A text file containing only characters from the ASCII character set (usually created with a text editor, such as Notepad in Windows), is called an ASCII file.


Acronym for application-specific integrated circuit.


Advanced SCSI programming interface.

asset tag code

An individual code assigned to a computer, usually by a system administrator, for security or tracking purposes.


As it relates to DMI, an attribute is a piece of information related to a component. Attributes can be combined to form groups. If an attribute is defined as read-write, it may be defined by a management application.

autoexec.bat file

The autoexec.bat file (Windows 95 and MS-DOS only) is executed when you boot your computer (after executing any commands in the config.sys file). This start-up file contains commands that define the characteristics of each device connected to your computer, and it finds and executes programs stored in locations other than the active directory.


A copy of a program or data file. As a precaution, you should back up your computer's hard-disk drive on a regular basis. Before making a change to the configuration of your computer, you should back up important start-up files from your operating system.

backup battery

The backup battery maintains system configuration, date, and time information in a special section of memory when the system is turned off.

base memory

Synonym for conventional memory. See also "conventional memory".

batch file


Acronym for management information format. A MIF file contains information, status, and links to component instrumentation. MIF files are installed into the MIF database by the DMI service layer. The content of a MIF is defined by a DTMF working committee and is published in the form of a MIF definition document. This document identifies the groups and attributes that are relevant to DMI-manageable components.


Abbreviation for millimeter(s).


A device that allows your computer to communicate with other computers over telephone lines.


A pointing device that controls the movement of the cursor on

ascreen. Mouse-aware software allows you to activate commands by clicking a mouse button while pointing at objects displayed on the screen.


Acronym for Motion Picture Experts Group. MPEG is a digital video file format.


Abbreviation for millisecond(s).


Abbreviation for Microsoft Disk Operating System.


Abbreviation for mean time between failures.

multifrequency monitor

A monitor that supports several video standards. A multifrequency monitor can adjust to the frequency range of the signal from a variety of video adapters.


Abbreviation for millivolt(s).


Abbreviation for Network Driver Interface Specification.