Changing the black and white threshold
To bring out details in an image with the Black & White Bitmap (raster) output type, decrease the number in the Black & White Threshold field:
1Scan a picture.
2From the Tools menu, select B & W Threshold.
The Black & White Threshold tool appears.
3From the Output Type menu, select Black & White Bitmap (raster).
The image changes to black and white.
4Decrease the value in the Black & White Threshold field:
■click on the left side of the slider,
–or –
■drag the slider to the left,
–or –
■type a lower number in the Black & White Threshold field, then press Tab or Enter,
–or –
■click the DOWN spin button next to the Black & White Threshold field.
The result of the change to the black and white threshold setting can be seen in the preview area.
Image with the Black & White Bitmap (raster) output type
Threshold 127 (the default for this image)
Threshold 49
The range for the number in the threshold field is set in the Preference Controls tab (see page 47).
Try changing the sharpen level to improve the result when you are changing a color or black and white photograph to a Black & White Bitmap (raster) image.
Adjusting images of
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