130 HP Jornada 600 Series User’s Guide







HP Jornada

Program memory is low. For detailed instructions on


locks up.

making more program memory available, see the



Memory management section in chapter 7.





HP Jornada locks

HP Jornada is locked up. Connect to AC


up when running

power and perform a soft reset. (See the



Resetting section in this chapter.)



Note: Check battery power level regularly to ensure



that the main battery is not running low on power.





HP Jornada does

The display contrast is too light. Press alt


not turn on or

to increase contrast. (For more information,


display appears to

see the Using HP Settings section in chapter 2.)


be off, even though



power is on.






HP Jornada runs

There is insufficient program memory or the memory


very slowly.

needs to be refreshed. For detailed instructions on



making more memory available, see the Memory



management section in chapter 7.



You can add additional memory to your HP Jornada.



See the Accessories section in chapter 7 for a list of



accessories that will increase your HP Jornada








Insufficient memory

HP Jornada has run out of program


error occurs when

memory for the application.


running an




For detailed instructions on making more



program memory available, see the Memory



management section in chapter 7.





HP Jornada

PC Card is not inserted properly or drivers are not


does not

installed on your HP Jornada. Remove and re-insert


detect PC Card.

the PC Card correctly. If this does not fix the



problem, check the documentation for the PC



Card for information on installing drivers on the



HP Jornada.



(For more information about compatible PC Card



modems, see the HP Jornada Accessories page at


