7.Click OK.

8.Click Save changes.

Conserving battery power

Select low power-use settings through Power Options in Windows Control Panel.

Turn off wireless and local area network (LAN) connections and exit modem applications when you are not using them.

Disconnect external devices that are not plugged into an external power source, when you are not using them.

Stop, disable, or remove any external media cards that you are not using.

Using the fn+f7 and fn+f8 hotkeys to adjust screen brightness as needed.

If you leave your work, initiate Sleep or Hibernation, or shut down the computer.

Storing a battery

CAUTION To prevent damage to a battery, do not expose it to high temperatures for extended periods of time.

If a computer will be unused and unplugged from external power for more than 2 weeks, remove the battery and store it separately.

To prolong the charge of a stored battery, place it in a cool, dry place.

Calibrate a battery before using it if it has been stored for one month or more.

Disposing of a used battery

WARNING! To reduce the risk of fire or burns, do not disassemble, crush, or puncture a battery; short the external contacts on a battery; or dispose of a battery in fire or water. Do not expose a battery to temperatures above 60°C (140°F). Replace the battery only with a battery approved for this computer.

Refer to the Regulatory, Safety and Environmental Notices for battery disposal information.


Using battery power 33