
Reconfigure your computer after installing a non–plug and play option. Refer to “Solving Hardware Installation Problems” on page 2-7 for instructions.

Be sure that all the needed device drivers have been installed. For example, if you have connected a printer, you need to install a printer driver.

Take out all removable media from the removable media drives when you turn on your system.

ÄCAUTION: When the computer is plugged into an AC power source, there is always power applied to the system board. You must disconnect the power cord from the power source before opening the computer to prevent system board or component damage.

Solving Minor Problems

You may be able to easily resolve the minor problems described in this section. If a problem persists and you are unable to resolve it yourself or if you feel uncomfortable about performing the operation, contact your Compaq authorized dealer or reseller.

Solving Minor Problems







Computer will not

Computer is not

Connect to an external power source.

turn on.

connected to an external



power source.






Cables to the external

Ensure that cables connecting the


power source are

computer to the external power



source are plugged in properly and



the wall outlet is active.

Drive power, data, or power supply cables may not be properly connected.

Reseat drive power, data, and power supply cables.


Quick User’s Guide