Getting Started
Basic Troubleshooting
This section concentrates on problems that you might encounter during the initial set up process. A comprehensive Troubleshooting Guide is available on the Documentation Library CD and under the reference library at the following Web site:
Solving General Problems
You may be able to easily resolve the general problems described in this section. If a problem persists and you are unable to resolve it yourself or if you feel uncomfortable about performing the operation, contact an authorized dealer or reseller.
Solving General Problems
Problem | Cause | Solution |
| |
Computer appears locked Software control of the | Press and hold the power button for at | |
up and will not turn off | power switch is not | least four seconds until the computer |
when the power button is | functional. | turns off. |
pressed. |
Computer will not | Computer is in | Press the power button to resume |
respond to USB keyboard standbymode. |
or mouse. | from standby mode. |
CAUTION: When attempting to resume from standby mode, do not hold down the power button for more than four seconds. Otherwise, the computer will shut down and you will lose your data.
also be used to update the RTCdate and time). If the problem persists, replace the RTC battery. See the Hardware Reference Guide for instructions on installing a new battery, or contact an authorized dealer or reseller for RTC battery replacement.