Input/Output Interfaces
USB Control
The USB is controlled through I/O registers as listed in table
USB Control Registers
I/O Address | Register | Default Value |
00, 01h | Command | 0000h |
02, 03h | Status | 0000h |
04, 05h | Interupt Enable | 0000h |
06, 07 | Frame Number | 0000h |
08, 0B | Frame List Base Address | 0000h |
0Ch | Start of Frame Modify | 40h |
10, 11h | Port 1 Status/Control | 0080h |
12, 13h | Port 2 Status/Control | 0080h |
18h | Test Data | 00h |
5.7.3 USB Connector
These systems provide
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
USB Connector Pinout
Pin | Signal | Description | Pin | Signal | Description |
1 | Vcc | +5 VDC | 3 | USB+ | Data (plus) |
2 | USB- | Data (minus) | 4 | GND | Ground |
| Technical Reference Guide | www.hp.com |