deletes destination dest from the spool system. dest may name either a class or a printer. If dest names a printer and that printer is the only member of a class, then that class is removed also.
sets the system default destination for requests that do not specify a destina tion. The destination may be the name of either a printer or a class of printers. If no dest is supplied, no system default destination will be in effect.
sets the printer name to which setopts options apply. If the printer does not already exist, it is added to the spool system. The printer name may be up to 14 characters long, may not contain a dash (-), and must be a legal file name. Printer names are not case sensitive on the HP 1000; they are always reported in lowercase. setopts are a string of options used in creating or modifying the printer, as defined below.



The lpadmin program can be used to add or modify a printer, delete a destination, or set the system default destination. The lpadmin runstring is as follows:

CI> lpadmin -pprinter setoptsadd or modify a printer


-xdestdelete a destination




set system default destination

Only one of the -p, -x, or -d options must be given when lpadmin is run. -pprinter


Options (setopts)

The following options (setopts above) are given when the -p option is used; these options apply to the printer named in that option. These options are used to define the attributes of a new printer or modify an existing printer. The options are:

–cclass Make the printer a member of the named class. The class is created if it does not already exist. A printer may be a member of only one class. Thus, if the printer is already a member of a class, then it must be removed from that class, using the -r option, before a new class may be specified. Both the -r and -c options may be specified in the same runstring to accomplish this. Class names may be up to 14 characters long, and must be legal file names. Remote printers may not be made class members.

–eprinter Copy an existing printer's model file to be the new printer model file for the printer. The argument must name an existing printer in the LP spool system; the new or modified printer will use the same printer interface and automatic options as the named printer. For example, –edaveslj" uses a copy of the model file used for printer •daveslj".

–gpriority Set the default priority for the printer (0 to 7). Requests sent to this printer will be assigned this priority by default, that is, if the -p option is not specified in the lp or lpalt runstring. Higher values indicate higher priority for each request that has the default priority assigned. This value is used in determining the order in which requests are printed. If not given, the default priority for the printer is 0.

218 LP Spool System