7Net Port Monitor Removal

1.If any Printer Drivers are using the XES Net Port, change them to use a different port (such a “FILE”).

2.Select Printers Folder/File/Server Properties.

3.On the Ports tab, select all XES Network Ports in the list, and click the Delete Port button.

4.Make sure your registry is backed up.

5.Using RegEdit, remove the

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\XES Net Port key.

6.Reboot the system.

7.Delete XESNet.DLL, XESNet.HLP and XESNPRES.DLL from the Windows directory tree, if they exist.

FreeFlow AccXES 2000/XP/2003 HP-GL/2 Printer Driver Customer Release Notes