

(Required) The value as an enumerated type.





String otherValue

A more specific value not defined in the enumerated type, when the enumValue is





StorageProvisioningTypeEnumPossible values: THICK, THIN, UNSPECIFIED, OTHERStorageType

StorageTypeEnum enumValue

(Required) The value as an enumerated type.



String otherValue

A more specific value not defined in the enumerated type, when the enumValue is





StorageTypeEnumPossible values: FC_SAN, DAS, VMFS, SAS_SAN, ISCSI_SAN, UNSPECIFIED, OTHERSubnetDetailsExtends SubnetInfo


String dnsDomain

DNS domain for the subnet.





List<String> dnsServers

DNS servers configured for the subnet.





List<String> dnsSearchSuffixes

DNS search suffixes configured for the subnet.





List<String> defaultGateways

Default gateways configured for the subnet.





String msDomainName

The name of the MS domain to which Windows servers should be joined when



provisioned on this subnet.





String msWorkgroupName

The name of the MS workgroup to which Windows servers should be joined when



provisioned on this subnet. (Not used if msDomainName is set.)





List<String> winsServers

WINS servers configured for the subnet.





List<String> ntpDateServers

NTP date servers configured for the subnet.





String vlanId

The VLAN ID used to identify the subnet.





List<String> groupIds

Indicates the sources from which the subnet was discovered.





List<String> parentIds

IDs of the trunk subnets which include this subnet.





List<String> childIds

IDs of the subnets which are contained in this trunk subnet.





Boolean trunk

Indicates whether this subnet acts as a trunk.






Static IP address ranges configured for allocation on this subnet.













String id

The subnet ID, usually discovered from the managed environment.





String address

Network address for the subnet.




StorageProvisioningType 69