Launch Parameter




{-q -sql} "command"

Specifies that an SQL statement or a Neoview Script


interface command be run when launching the Neoview


Script interface. You cannot specify this parameter at the


same time as the -sor -scriptparameter. For more


information, see “Running a Command When Launching


Neoview Script” (page 47).



{-s -script}script-file-name

Specifies that a script file be run when launching the


Neoview Script interface. You cannot specify this


parameter at the same time as the -qor -sqlparameter.


For more information, see “Running a Script File When


Launching Neoview Script” (page 48).




Launches a Neoview script session without connecting to


the Neoview platform (database).For more information,


see “Launching Neoview Script Without Connecting to


the Database” (page 49).



Logging In When Launching Neoview Script

To avoid entering a host name, user name, password, or data source when the Neoview Script interface launches, use the -h(or -host), -u(or -user), -p(or -password), or -dsncommand-line parameters.

NOTE: You can include these parameters in a shortcut to the hpnvs.cmd file or in a launch file for the file. For more information, see “Creating a Shortcut to hpnvs.cmd” (page 41) or “Presetting the Optional Launch Parameters” (page 45), respectively.

On Windows, in the Command Prompt window, enter:

cd hpnvs-installation-directory\nvscript\bin

hpnvs.cmd -h -u dba1 -p xxxxxx -dsn DataSourceName

On Linux or UNIX, in the terminal window, enter:

cd hpnvs-installation-directory/nvscript/bin

./ -h -u dba1 -p xxxxxx -dsn DataSourceName

The Neoview Script interface launches and prompts you to enter an SQL statement or a Neoview Script interface command:

Welcome to the HP Neoview Script Interface 2.1

(c)Copyright 2006, 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP. Connected to DataSource: Admin_Load_DataSource


Running a Command When Launching Neoview Script

To execute an SQL statement or a Neoview Script interface command when launching Neoview Script, use the -qor -sqlcommand-line parameter. This parameter enables you to run a single command on the command line without having to enter commands in the Neoview Script interface.

NOTE: You cannot specify this parameter at the same time as the -sor -scriptparameter.

When using -qor -sql, you must enclose the command in double quotes. The SQL terminator is not required at the end of an SQL statement and is disallowed after a Neoview Script interface command.

Logging In to the Database Platform