ZCOM C I/F Library Routines





zcomlog – Add a message to the ZCOM log file





<zcom/zcomcall.h> /* if compiled with ANSI C (recommended) */

void zcomlog (error, msgno, narg [, desc, arg])

uint32 error; int32 msgno; uint8 narg; uint32 desc; uint32 arg;


Routine zcomlog creates a log record and passes it to the ZCOM message


log system, where the logged messages will be retrieved and processed by


the ZMLOG program. Before calling this routine, zcomlname(3X) should


be called to set up the logging program name for all subsequent log





The log record created consists of the program name as specified in the


preceding zcomlname call, the message number msgno and the


associated arguments arg. This routine has a variable number of


arguments: the call argument pair “desc, arg” repeats for the number of


times specified by narg.



The libraries libzcom_c.a and libpthread.a must be linked into the calling


program by giving the options “-lzcom_c -lpthread” to cc(1) or ld(1).


This routine may be called from a multi-threaded application using the


POSIX (1003.1c) kernel threads API package. This routine has the


following characteristics when called by a multi-threaded application:


cancellation point

Thread cancellation can occur when a thread



calls this routine.

async-cancel unsafe The calling thread’s cancelability type must be PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED if cancellation is enabled.

Chapter 4