ZCOM C I/F Library Routines
error Error code to be logged (unsigned int). The error code is displayed as a
msgno ID number of the message to be logged (signed int).
narg Number of arguments to be logged with the message (positive int).
desc Argument descriptor used to describe the “type” of the argument which follows. The values of this parameter may be one of the following:
ZCOM_AT_CHAR | - char |
ZCOM_AT_UCHAR | - unsigned char |
ZCOM_AT_SINT | - short int |
ZCOM_AT_USINT | - unsigned short int |
ZCOM_AT_INT | - int |
ZCOM_AT_STR | - char * |
ZCOM_AT_ERRNO | - int (UNIX error code, usually errno) |
| UNIX error string will be logged |
ZCOM_AT_ZERROR | - int (ZCOM error code) |
| ZCOM error string will be logged |
ZCOM_AT_ZSTAT | - int (ZCOM status code) |
| ZCOM status string will be logged |
ZCOM_AT_XSTAT | - int (ZCOM X.25 status code) |
| ZCOM X.25 status string will be logged |
arg Argument value to insert into the message to be logged. Note that the argument’s type must match the type specified in the desc parameter. Each argument will be substituted into the message text string using printf.
RETURN VALUE | Routine zcomlog has no return value. |
NOTES | 1. The ZMLOG program retrieves the unique message test using the |
| logging program name and message number. By default, the message |
| tests of all log messages are retrieved from the message file |
| default.msg in /opt/acc/msg. If the environment variable “LANG” is |
| defined, the message text is retrieved from the message file |
| $LANG.msg instead. In case it does not exist, the default.msg file is |
| used. This allows support for multiple message file in different |
| languages. |
| 2. Before calling this routine, zcomlname(3X) should be called to set up |
| the logging program name for all subsequent log records. |
Chapter 4 | 185 |