
#Get SDP usage per connect and listen into stderr

#log min-level 7 destination stderr


#Send errors only into syslog

#log min-level 9 destination syslog




#The socket control statements allows the user to specify when libsdp will


#sockets. Each control statement specifies a matching rule that all its

#subexpressions must evaluate as true (logical and) to apply.


#The statements that control which type of sockets to open are made

#of the following:

#use <address-family> <role> <program name> <address*>:<port range*>

#<address-family> can be one of:

"sdp" - for specifying when an SDP should be used

#"tcp" - for specifying when SDP socket should not be matched

#"both" - for specifying when both SDP and AF_INET sockets should be used.

#Note: that "both" semantics is different between "server" and "client" roles:

#For a "server" is means that the server will be listening on both sdp and tcp

#For a "client" the connect will prefer using sdp but will silently

#fall back to tcp if the sdp connection failed.


#<role> can be one of:

#"server" or "listen" - for defining the listening port address family

#"client" or "connect" - for defining the connected port address family

#<program-name*> field:

#Defines the program name (not including the path) the rule applies to.

#Wildcards with same semantics as "ls" are supported (* and ?).

#So db2* would match on any program with a name starting with db2.

#t?cp would match on ttcp, etc.

#If not provided (default) the statement matches all programs.


#<address*> means:

#Either the local address the server is bind to or the remote server

#address the client connects to. Syntax for address matching is: #<IPv4/IPv6 address>[/<prefix_length>]*

#IP address = IPv4 in dotted-quad format, "ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd" or IPv6 network

#address in any allowed IPv6 address format.

#prefix_length = Number of bits to match. A prefix_length of 16 matches the

#subnet mask in IPv4, or ffff::0 in IPv6.

#A prefix_length of 32 for IPv4 or 128 for requires

#matching of the exact IP.


#<port range> is:

#start-port[-end-port] where port numbers are >0 and < 65536

#Rules are evaluated in order of definition. So the first match wins.

#If no match is made libsdp will default to "both".



#Use SDP by clients connecting to machines that belongs to subnet 192.168.1.*

#family role program address:port[-range]

#use sdp connect **


#Use SDP by clients connecting to machines that belongs to subnet 1234:5678::*

#family role program address:port[-range]

#use sdp connect * 1234:5678::0/64:*


#Use SDP by ttcp when it connects to port 5001 of any machine

#family role program address:port[-range]

#use sdp listen ttcp *:5001
